One of my favorite public-facing activities over the last few years has been going on live TV to analyze American politics. Al Jazeera English broadcasts live 24-7 from Doha, Qatar, and they do a great job of bringing coverage of American politics to an international audience. I always learn something from listening to their anchors, reporters, and analysts. And it’s been a real honor and treat to meet some of them in person in the studio!


Doha is 7 or 8 hours ahead of US East Coast time (depending on Daylight Savings), and so US election nights are always “US election early mornings” here. For example, results for the US presidential election usually start coming in around 2 am Doha time. So I’m used to staying up all night to watch the US elections. But while my husband and I used to do this in the privacy of our own living room, this changed with the 2018 US midterm elections, when I was invited to stay up all night in the live studio of Al Jazeera as the “in-studio friend of the anchor.” It’s truly exciting to be on stage watching the real-time results come in and analyzing them on the spot! 


My favorite Al Jazeera memory is definitely the all-night coverage of the US Super Tuesday Election Night in early March 2020. I was invited to be part of a panel that included Joe Ura, professor at Texas A&M, and Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst. The three of us sat alongside two of Al Jazeera’s fabulous anchors, Darren Jordon and Folly Bah Thibault, for hours of Super Tuesday analysis as the results rolled in. We had great conversations and shared insights and laughs over the course of the (very early) morning. I learned a lot from my fellow panelists and truly enjoyed our time together.


Look how happy and innocent we were! Look at how much fun we were having! We didn’t know then that the pandemic was just around the corner, and that this was the last time we would be able to join the anchors as their “in-studio friends” for election night marathons. At least our last experience in the beautiful Al Jazeera studio was a great one!


Super Tuesday 2020


In this segment, we discuss the process of delegate allocation, the Democratic party’s proportional representation rules, the importance of voter turnout among minorities and core constituencies, and the question of electability.


Super Tuesday 2020 


In this segment, we discuss income inequality, race, populism, and the early results coming out of Virginia and Vermont.


Super Tuesday 2020 


In this segment, we discuss the turnout numbers in North Carolina and foreign policy debates among primary voters.


Super Tuesday 2020


In this segment, we discuss Elizabeth Warren, the incoming results from North Carolina and Virginia, the possibility of a contested convention, and Mike Bloomberg.


Super Tuesday 2020



In this segment, we discuss the impact of President Trump on American politics and democracy, and the differing strategies of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden for appealing to voters in both the primary and general elections.


Super Tuesday 2020


In this segment, we discuss Elizabeth Warren underperforming her polls, the consolidation of Democratic party around Joe Biden, whether Mike Bloomberg will drop out of the race, and the systemic problems with voting.


Super Tuesday 2020


In this segment, we discuss how strategic voting and clear messaging have helped Joe Biden have a big night, and we look forward to results from Texas and California to determine Bernie Sanders’ staying power in the race.


Super Tuesday 2020


In this segment, we discuss the unification of Democratic party elites and voters around Joe Biden, the next steps for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and a pivot to the general election, including a look at the voting patterns of white college-educated women.