Jocelyn Sage Mitchell: Publications

Every academic hears the advice, “Publish or perish!” But why are publications so important? Publications are a way of putting into the public record the results of your research. Publications—especially peer-reviewed publications—are rigorously checked by peer experts to make sure they are accurate and ethical pieces of work. Through the publication process, you are contributing to a larger field of knowledge by adding your research results and enabling others to learn from and build upon your work. All knowledge fields are basically built, brick by brick, in this way, so that each of us truly stands on the shoulders of the giants who came before us. 

It’s been my pleasure and honor to contribute to the fields of political science, Middle East studies, and the pedagogy of teaching and learning. I have especially loved co-authoring pieces with my colleagues, as collaboration with diverse fields of expertise (such as strategic communication, digital media studies, film history, museum studies, anthropology, public policy, and journalism) both strengthens and expands my research in new and relevant ways. And as the acknowledgements highlight, it takes a village to write each publication, with much appreciation for my undergraduate research assistants, grant funding, institutional support, input from colleagues, and of course constructive feedback from the anonymous reviewers!    

My full academic CV can be found here, and my publications (dissertation, refereed journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia articles, and book reviews) are listed with clickable links below. The OPEN ACCESS tag means you can access that publication without a paywall! You can also check my blog (category tag: publications) for additional insights. 




Refereed Journal Articles


Book Chapters


Encyclopedia Entries


Book Reviews